Exhibition from October 26, 2012 to January 13, 2013
Musée de l’Armée – Hôtel national des Invalides, Paris.

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Visitor's itinerary

A tour of the exhibition

Army and society: a relationship in need of reinvention Instructional handkerchief N°3

From printed handkerchief, as it manifested itself in the 19th century, to luxurious women’s fashion accessory, this object’s history gives us a veiled impression of the sociological developments of its age, and notably of the redefinition of the link between army and nation.
But this history is far from being completed : more pages are being added even today, thanks to a military tradition still linked to the handkerchief as a means of instruction or commemoration. By means of a few contemporary examples, visitors can appreciate this object’s capacity for adaptation, through lending itself to any function assigned to it and accompanying soldiers to new operational settings.

photographie mouchoir d'insctruction du troisième régiment d'infanterie
A relationship in need of reinvention