A special exhibition organized by the musée de l’Armée – Hôtel national des Invalides.
From October 16, 2013 to January 26, 2014

exhibition catalogue

Indochina, Land and People, 1856-1956
Published by Gallimard. Under the direction of Christophe Bertrand, Carolline Herbelin and Jean-François Klein.
320 pages, illust.
ISBN: 9782070142606

youtube playlist

>Watch the video selection abouton the exhibition Indochina. Land and people, 1856-1956 (Youtube, new window)

selected bibliography

Books, CDs and DVDs around the exhibition are on sale in our bookshop.
> Download the bibliography of the exhibition Indochina, Land and People, 1856-1956 (pdf, 77Ko, new window)

Young visitors’ itinerary

A Special Young visitors’ itinerary starts in the Court of Honour od the Hôtel des Invalides with the presentation of « mystery objects » printed on four didactic panels.
Proceed towards the exhibition located on the third floor where eleven didactic pannels dedicated to children offer both playful and educational explanations on the history, artifacts and work of arts on display.
To track them down, just follow the little dragoon.

Exhibition Booklet
For more games and discoveries, don’t forget the Exhibition Booklet with games for children as from 8 years available at the Information desk of the temporary exhibition or free download.
> Download the French Indochina, Land and People, 1856-1956 Exhibition Booklet (pdf, 2,3Mo, new window)