Napoleon strategist / Visitor itinerary /

Becoming an exceptional strategist

Training and first preparation

Antoine-Jean Gros, Bonaparte au pont d’Arcole - © Napoleonmuseum
Napoleon Bonaparte’s career began at a time of military upheaval.

The Seven Years’ War (1756–1763) and the defeat of Louis XV’s army led to major organisational and technical restructuring.

Theoretical analysis was also on the rise.

Starting from 1793, revolutionary France was at war with most of Europe. The Republic set in motion the mass mobilisation of troops and stepped up weapons manufacturing, forming fourteen armies containing an unprecedented number of soldiers.

A simple artillery officer in 1793, Bonaparte absorbed the changes to the art of war. At Toulon, in Italy and Egypt, he put them into practice with rarely seen expertise. His innovative approach to warfare set him apart from others. He quickly made his way to the top of the military ladder before seizing power: the coup d’état on 18–19 Brumaire Year VIII (9–10 November 1799) made him the First Consul while retaining his role as general and political and military leader of the Republic.
Habit porté par Bonaparte à la bataille de Marengo
Antoine-Jean Gros, Bonaparte Premier consul
Robert Lefèvre, Napoléon en habit de chasseur à cheval de la Garde
Brevet de cadet-gentilhomme de Bonaparte étudiant
Brevet de lieutenant en second de Bonaparte étudiant
Himelly Sigismond, Le siège de Toulon
Louis Albert Ghislain Bacler d'Albe, La bataille de Lodi
François Louis Joseph Watteau, La bataille des Pyramides