Napoleon strategist / Visitor itinerary /

The ideal campaign

Napoleon in action

carte à signets du prince Eugène - © musée de l’Empéri
Napoleon turned the French army into a matchless military tool.
etween 1805 and 1809, at Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena, Friedland and Wagram, he outclassed his enemies with his innovative brand of warfare. His method left as little as possible to chance. All the elements that play a part in preparing a campaign or leading a battle* were meticulously taken into account beforehand.

A typical campaign unfolded in four phases.

Political pahse

The Emperor defined political and military objectives that served his plans. He prepared his army while studying reports and maps.

Strategic phase

He led his troops. To ensure that that they could execute operations suited to achieving his objectives and to the enemy’s movements, he made his soldiers march at a fast pace over long distances.

Tactical phase

He combined manoeuvres and combats to provoke a battle that shifted the balance of power in his favour.

Diplomatic phase

He returned to the political arena and forced the defeated adversary to accept his peace terms.
Carte générale de l’Allemagne
Laisser-passer du maréchal Murat
Epée d’Austerlitz
Drapeau russe pris en 1805
Nicolas Guy Antoine Brenet, Modèle réduit de la colonne Vendôme